Despite the advancement of technology and the boom of online casinos that have made it easy for people to play their favorite casino games on their smartphones and computers, this has not stopped casino lovers from traveling to different places to gamble. Many travelers cross countries and oceans to set their feet in some of …
Unusual Travel
When traveling around the world, I came across a lot of different views on casino tourism; some countries forbid it, some allow it, while others even have it as a crucial component of their economy. However, it seems like the number of countries that don’t rely on casino tourism is getting smaller and smaller. In …
India is one of the only few countries on this planet with a lot of different ethnic groups that managed to survive on the same land without any major internal conflicts This magnificent country has always been known as a land of diversified cultures, spirituality, and mysticism. Hence, it’s no wonder that there are a …
During the socialist era, the Soviet Union had many closed cities that were hidden not only from the prying eyes of enemies but also from its own people. These cities weren’t even shown on the map until 1993 but there were thousands of people living in them which effectively didn’t exist. Most of these closed …
Once upon a time, there was a really advanced city, some would say even too advanced for its time. The legend says that one day, the ocean swallowed the city and it was never seen again. This is a legend most of you heard about: the legend of Atlantis. We still can’t be sure whether …