People always give you advice on what to do when you travel abroad but no one gives you tips on what you should do when you return home. How to deal with this emotional rollercoaster? Is post travel depression real? If so, how to deal with post vacation depression? How does it feel like to live in one place after years of traveling? These are some of the questions we’ll try to answer in this article.
After spending two years of unforgettable adventures on the road, I was back where I started. Sitting on the couch in my old bedroom; bored, anxious, and nostalgic. The people I knew are all the same. They still have the same jobs. Some of them got married. Some of them have kids. Other than that, there isn’t anything much different. The place is the same like before I left. Why doesn’t it feel right anymore? It’s because I changed. And they don’t understand the new me. They don’t get it why do I feel so uncomfortable being back. Some of them might even think that I don’t like it here anymore.
Introduction to Post-Vacation Depression

Many people wonder if post vacation depression is real and if I had to describe it, I’d say it’s like the Monday morning of life’s great weekends. You’ve just returned from a trip where your biggest worry was whether to try the gelato or the sorbet, and now you’re back to reality, where the toughest decision is whether to hit snooze one more time. But is this feeling just a case of the travel blues, or is there more to it?
Is Post-Vacation Depression Real?

So, is post-vacation depression real? My friends, it is as real as that pile of laundry you brought back with you. It’s the emotional hangover that hits when the suitcases are unpacked, and the souvenirs are put away. You’re not alone in feeling this way; it’s a common phenomenon that many travelers experience after returning from a trip. Scientifically, it’s recognized as a type of adjustment disorder – a period of psychological distress that occurs when you’re having trouble readjusting to your regular life after a significant change, in this case, a vacation.
Post Vacation Depression- Why Is It Happening?

Traveling is, indeed, the greatest teacher of them all. It starts by giving you this little thing called freedom. You’re far away from home and people here don’t know you. You don’t care about what they might say. You start doing things you couldn’t or were too afraid to do back home.
Explore the world, meet new amazing people, fall in and out of love, see amazing places, live new cultures, go bungee jumping, go on high-altitude travel adventures, swim with sharks, pet elephants, experience danger on the road… And suddenly, it’s all over when you go back.
It’s this freedom that traveling gives you that enables you to do all these things. You feel freer because traveling shows you that you’re just one little piece of a big jigsaw puzzle. Traveling enlightens you by showing you what a tiny place you occupy in the world. But very few people realize this, at least where I come from. However, I believe it’s more or less the same everywhere. If you’re one small piece, your country is a part of the puzzle that is the world.
However, most people you know see the country as the puzzle itself. They don’t look beyond it. That’s why you feel that no one understands you anymore. That you have less in common with the people that used to be your best friends. And that’s sad. It only makes you want to leave again.
Identifying Symptoms of Post-Vacation Depression

Learning how to deal with post vacation depression is like trying to pinpoint why your favorite show isn’t as exciting anymore – it’s not always obvious at first. It’s important to understand that post-vacation depression isn’t just about feeling blue; it’s a mix of emotional and behavioral signs that indicate your brain is still sending postcards from your vacation while your body is stuck dealing with reality.
1. Emotional Exhaustion: You’re back from vacation, but your energy seems to have missed the return flight. Emotional exhaustion post-trip can manifest as feeling unusually tired, drained, or unmotivated, kind of like trying to run a marathon after a Netflix binge.
2. Irritability or Restlessness: Suddenly, everything annoys you. The coffee machine is too loud, emails are too long, and why on Earth does everything have to start so early in the morning? This irritability or restlessness is your mind’s way of throwing a mini tantrum about being back.
3. Longing for the Past: You find yourself staring wistfully at your vacation photos, and every little thing reminds you of the trip. It’s more than just missing the fun times; it’s a longing that impacts your mood and daily life.
4. Difficulty Readjusting to Routine: Jumping back into your regular schedule feels like trying to fit into jeans post-Christmas dinner. Whether it’s work, school, or just daily chores, everything feels a bit more challenging than before.
5. Feelings of Sadness or Loss: This is more than just a passing mood. You might experience prolonged periods of sadness or a sense of loss, like something vital is missing in your everyday life.
6. Disinterest in Social Activities: Your social life takes a hit. The thought of going out or meeting friends feels more taxing than exciting. You’re craving the social simplicity of vacation life.
What Happens When You Go Back Home?

In the beginning, everything is nice and smooth. Everyone wants to meet you and talk to you. Ask about your adventures. You feel like a rock star. Then everyone starts asking the same questions. And you’re giving the same answers. Over and over again.
For some reason, everyone must ask what was your favorite place/country? I literally started hating this question. Every country is gorgeous in its own way. Of course, all countries and the people living in them are different. Hence, it’s logical to expect that they will be beautiful in different ways as well. But to notice it, you have to be open-minded. When traveling, you need to carry the beauty inside you or find it you will not.
The question that normally follows is: “Yes, yes, that’s great. Now, when are you going to settle down? It feels like they didn’t even try to put any effort into listening to what I was trying to say before. It was really frustrating in the beginning but then I realized that most people just don’t understand this because they didn’t travel as much as I did. And that’s one of the reasons why I feel like I don’t belong here anymore.
As I said, chances are everything will be more or less the same when you come back home. But it will still feel difficult. There’s something inside of you that you can’t express to anyone because people don’t understand you anymore. Every time you try to do that, words fall flat. And that’s frustrating. In the late-night hours, or early morning hours when you can’t sleep overthinking things and trying to understand what happened, this thing called wanderlust strikes again. This desire to see new places, meet new people, do new things…
The Travel Tax And Why Nothing Feels Right?

Every time a friend comes back from a trip, they always ask me: “How do you go through this every time”? Going back home is difficult and a lot of people don’t understand this post travel depression syndrome. It’s the end of your life-changing experience. And even though most of the things at home are the same, they just don’t feel the same. Because you’ve changed.
Time passes by. It’s been a few months and this is the longest time you’ve been settled for a while. If you don’t learn how to deal with post vacation depression, it can easily turn into an existentialist crisis. You still feel like a bird trapped in a cage but also you start wondering is it worth it to continue? Is it worth it trying to get out of the ‘cage’?
You realize it will never be the same because the people you love and care about are scattered across the globe. Parts of you are scattered across the globe. That’s what you get for leaving a small piece of you behind. In all the places to go to. In all the people you meet along the way. That, my friend, is what I like to call the ‘Travel tax’.
Sure, you will have the time of your life. Sure, you will grow as a person, become wiser. You will be amazed by the beauty of the world. You’ll meet amazing people. But these things come at a price. After some time, you start asking yourself: “what’s the point”? What’s the point of going to new places, meeting next extraordinary people just to say goodbye and probably never see them again?
Understanding The Causes
We can’t really talk about how to deal with post vacation depression if we don’t understand its causes.
- The Contrast Effect: it’s hard to go back to office work the very next day after sipping a cappuccino in a quaint Parisian cafe or chilling at the beach in Bali. This stark contrast can create a sense of dissatisfaction and longing.
- Disruption of Routines: Vacations often mean a delightful break from routines, but this can also mean a disruption in sleep patterns, diet, and exercise. Returning to normal life can feel like trying to dance to a song whose rhythm keeps changing.
- Stress and Work-Related Anxiety: Let’s face it, diving back into a mountain of work emails and deadlines can be as appealing as a root canal.
- Lack of Sunlight and Physical Activity: Depending on where you vacationed, you might be missing out on the mood-boosting benefits of sunlight and increased physical activity.
- Unmet Expectations: Sometimes, the post-vacation blues stem from a sense of unmet expectations in the sence of your short escape not magically solving your life’s main challenges.
So, How To Deal With Post Travel Depression?

Some people just keep on traveling. Others become expats in countries with a completely different culture than their native countries. Some decide to hang up their travel boots and settle. There’s not really a ‘one size fits them all’ solution. And when this time comes you need to follow your gut. All human beings possess a gut feeling. You just need to find yourself in the right situation to actually discover that you have it. And traveling gives you plenty of such situations.
Use the lessons learned to keep growing in the right direction. I know that chances are, you feel like you don’t fit anywhere. You bounced between cultures so effortlessly that you no longer know where you belong. Travel is a part of your life journey. But it’s only a part. A great teacher? Yes. A solution to all of your problems, including your mental health? No. Your personal growth takes place within. And a large part of that transformation is due to traveling.
But there’s another large part that involves finding out who you are and where you come from. A sense of direction. A sense of community. People that understand you. A place that you can call home, wherever that might be. Don’t travel just to run away. Don’t travel just to find yourself if you see that that’s not working. Travel to learn, and remember: new destinations are not a mere place, but rather a new way of seeing things.
So, what do you think- is post vacation depression real? Did you ever experience post travel depression? Did this guide help you learn how to deal with post vacation depression? Feel free to share your two cents in the comments!

Medha Verma
Sunday 30th of December 2018
I have never travelled long term, I only travel 2-3 weeks at a time, and then come back to my life, my full-time job and then travel again in a few months. To be honest, I love that lifestyle. Yes, I do get depressed after I return from a trip, for a while at least. I do not feel like being at work or maybe even hanging out with friends. And then I begin to plan my next trip and get excited allover again, haha!
Passport Symphony
Friday 4th of January 2019
That's much more easy Medha and more practical I suppose. I tend to do that more often nowadays as well :) Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it.
Wednesday 26th of December 2018
This is exactly true. My cousin has been a traveller so long and when she went home. She said she was so lost and not used to it. It was pretty fun and easy in the first few months but after sometime -- she missed the lifestyle so bad.
Anyway, thank you for your tips. Just shared this post with her.
Passport Symphony
Wednesday 26th of December 2018
Thank you, Clarice, I really appreciate it. I hope your cousin will like this post too :)
Tuesday 25th of December 2018
I really enjoyed reading this. I haven't been a long term traveler like you so haven't experienced the same questions! I think you're right in that not one size fits all. We all have to live the life that's right for us!
Passport Symphony
Wednesday 26th of December 2018
Thank you, Lisa- I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed this post.
Monday 24th of December 2018
Well said. While I’m not a full-time traveler at this point, I can relate to this feeling. Traveling changes you in a way that can’t be taught by books or anything else - you have to experience it. I grew up as a third culture kid and every few years I still get the urge to move to a new country. I’m glad you addressed this feeling in a very relatable way.
Passport Symphony
Tuesday 25th of December 2018
It sure does, Annick and one definitely has to experience it to know how it's like
Jenn and Ed Coleman
Monday 24th of December 2018
I think there are two basic drugs in society - wanderlust and nostalgia. Who you are as a person revolves around how you feed your core happiness with each of these drugs. Wanderlust is the quest for the while nostalgia is the remembrance of the old. Nostalgia's power has been proven again and again by science. The problem with being a nostalgia partitioner is that the power of a memory gets reinforced with each repetition. After a while, new experiences no longer compare the your memories.
I am 47 and still get a creeping panic when I am back at on my parent's farm. Too many memories. Too many expectations. I am not the person who I want to be or the image of myself I strived to create in my life. I am back to my childhood self, wrought with the familier fears and anxiety. This happens to me if I have just returned from the road or I am on a weekend visit from home.
Passport Symphony
Tuesday 25th of December 2018
Well said, I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you for sharing your experience with us in the comments, I really appreciate it :)