Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, the magical land of Kashmir is a treasure waiting to be discovered by unsuspecting travelers. From the highest motorized highway in the world to the floating post office on enchanting Dal Lake, Kashmir is a place where extraordinary marvels become a part of everyday life. Prepare to be amazed by …
Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Kashmir Valley, the enchanting city of Srinagar reveals a treasure trove of hidden places waiting to be explored. Beyond the bustling markets and famous landmarks, lies a realm of serenity and mystery, where time seems to stand still. These hidden places in Srinagar offer a glimpse into the …
When most people visit India, their first stop is either Delhi or Mumbai. Therefore, the first impressions about the country come from these two cities and we all know there’s no second chance for first impressions. Delhi, which is well worthy of its famous nickname ‘Mini India’ is the perfect place to get your first …