Countries come in different shapes and sizes. Some countries are lucky enough to cover a huge area, while others are really tiny. Some have a clearly defined shape while others don’t. That’s why when you look at the map you will see different kinds of weird borders. Some will be clearly defined, while others will …
Travel Geography
There are 195 official countries in the world and naturally, we relate the word country with a large area of land. However, some nations are so geographically (or sometimes even politically) remote that we often forget they exist. This article is all about them- the most isolated countries in the world. So keep reading, be …
Once upon a time, there was a really advanced city, some would say even too advanced for its time. The legend says that one day, the ocean swallowed the city and it was never seen again. This is a legend most of you heard about: the legend of Atlantis. We still can’t be sure whether …