There is always a good reason to learn yoga, but if you want to get to the bottom of this age-old science, then doing a yoga teacher training is a great idea and almost the only way.
And if you also decide to do it in a yoga ashram in India, you will have the added benefit of experiencing the true art of yoga and how it is connected with all the aspects involved in leading a balanced and harmonious life.
If you are interested but you think that a yoga teacher is only for flexible people with experience or who want to dedicate themselves to teaching, perhaps those thoughts are just excuses for not taking the first step.
Think about that magical sensation you have when you do a yoga class with friends and now multiply it by ten and you will begin to feel what it means to practice intensely with a group of people with the same intention during 200 hours of study and training.
1- You bring new opportunities to your life
Yoga business is exploding worldwide and a TTC will allow you to create your own space in it. You gain freedom to pick your own path in life.
You can stick to one place and work in local yoga studios, gyms,…or choose to have a nomad life, working from season to season at yoga centers around the world.
2- You learn that yoga is much more than you thought it was
In India, yoga is part of a process that focuses on the well-being of people. That is why in addition to postures, you learn principles of meditation, pranayama, Ayurveda, philosophy, stress management, and much more.
The purpose of the postures is to align the subtlest parts of the being with the rest of existence or the cosmos. The final target of the “transformative process” that is yoga, is the union of the mind, the body, and the spirit, to bring life to its maximum expression.
3- It is a time dedicated to yourself and others

A yoga teacher is an investment in you, in your physical and mental health. Do not worry, when you return, your responsibilities will be waiting for you but it will be easier to manage them.
In addition, the intensity of the yoga course opens a door to that most joyful and vibrant part of you that everyone around you will not only notice but even find it inspiring.
4- You deepen your practice
In an intensive yoga course, you will learn to pay more attention to detail, and that in this discipline, as in any other, is what makes the difference between an amateur and a teacher.
You not only understand the postures, but also have a thorough understanding of your alignments, parts of your anatomy are involved and the benefits they have on the well-being of your “selfâ€.
Foto Time for change
5- You access a new way of seeing life

Regular and committed practice produces a level of mental clarity (stillness) that translates into awareness and understanding of previously compulsive internal processes.
Slowly, being happy becomes a choice, it no longer depends on external factors.
6- You develop great stability
Yoga and other techniques of meditation and control of breathing are tools that are always at your disposal to face all vital situations.
Feeling safe, stable, confident, generous and open becomes the base state from which you begin to manage your relationships with other people and with the environment.
7- You create bonds for life

The ties that one creates during the yoga teacher course last a lifetime. You belong to a community of like-minded people who understand you and are there to support you when you need them.
Not only the students, but also the teachers become close to you. Rest assured, they will always be there for you.
8- You learn to teach
Something shared by everyone who finishes a yoga teacher training in India is the need to transmit the experience and what has been learnt. You are aware of the transformative effect of what you now know and want others to benefit from them as well.
Therefore, one of the aspects to which attention is paid during the course is the teaching methodology. Knowing how to organize and lead a group of people is essential, and interesting even for those who do not want to be teachers.
Completion of the program enables you to register as RYT200 with Yoga Alliance.
Why in India?

Yoga originates from India and, of course, this is one of the best yoga destinations in the world. So, if you are serious about your path to progress in Yoga, coming to India is almost mandatory.
If not, it is very difficult to understand the depth and scope of this science and the reasons why it lasted for millions of years.
The means to access this knowledge are the magnificent teachers in India, who treat yoga as a fundamental part of their existence.
In the Yoga Teachers Trainings in the Kavaalya centers in India, you learn authentic yoga under the guidance of native teachers and in an unbeatable natural environment for teaching.
Furthermore, coming to India and seeing this country first hand is also an experience that will change you forever.
Did you ever consider visiting India for yoga teacher training? Would you ever do this? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!
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